Stage two - polarity

Stage 2 is all about connecting the parts of us that are in conflict with each other. You know you have gone from Stage 1 to Stage 2 when you feel that there is now a solution. There is no longer a sense of helplessness. You now see beyond the pain. 

Unlike Stage 1, this stage will focus on two parts simultaneously. This is done by alternating the breathing pattern between two segments of the body.

At this stage of healing, you are convinced that the people, places and things around you are the ones that are going to save you from your situation. You have not acknowledged or realized and even perhaps forgotten that the power of healing actually comes from you.

This stage is best represented when one or more of the following is present:

  • Feeling division (about anyone, anything or any place)

    • Rich; poor

    • Happy; sad

    • Free flowing; stuck

    • Creed (Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Buddhist)

    • Politics (Liberal, Conservative)

    • Good; evil

    • Where you are at in your life (I should be ‘here’ not ‘there’)

  • Using language like the following. Including language that involves expectations of how a new form of help, whatever that may be, will change everything for you:

    • “(Noun) is to blame!”

    • “This is your fault”

    • Hearing yourself asking for help

      • “Oh God, please make this (treatment/procedure/investment/_______) work!”

  • Keywords: Good, bad, blame and shame


  1. Best body position: Lay on your back with knees bent or straight. Let it be easy and comfortable. It can be done on almost any surface, but if you choose a firmer one, then you will be able to feel the breath pressure easier. 

  2. Hand position: Your hands are in two different positions at the same time, but still make sure fingers and thumbs are together. Elbows can rest to the side of the body with the wrists bent. But, if you feel it is necessary to let them rise up, then you may do so. Let the weight of the hands be firm but soft enough to allow for the body part underneath to rise with the breath.

  3. Hand placement:

    • Number one: the sternum/breastbone/Heart Chakra

    • Number two: center of the body where your breast bone ends and your abdomen begins/Xiphoid Process/Solar Plexus

    • Number three: below the belly button/on top of the bladder/Sacral Chakra

  4. Breathing:

    • Inhale through the nose

    • Exhale through the mouth


      Part 1

    • Remember: your breath pressure should be concentrated underneath the hand placement that is being focused on

    • Start with hand placement number one (Heart Chakra) and hand placement number three (Sacral Chakra)

    • First, focus on the top hand (Heart Chakra) as you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, then say the following affirmation out loud:

      • “I have different rhythms…”

    • Notice the rhythm and flow

    • Now, take your next inhale and exhale over placement number three (Sacral Chakra), then say the following affirmation out loud:

      • “…and different patterns.”

    • Notice the rhythm and flow

    • Continue alternating your breathing from one hand placement and the other for a set of time like 30 seconds to a minute or a set of 15 breath cycles

      Part 2

    • Now take your top hand (Heart Chakra) and move it to Placement Two (Solar Plexus)

    • Repeat the process that occurred in Part 1 by inhaling and exhaling over Placement Two/Solar Plexus first and then take your next breathing cycle over Placement Three/Sacral Charka

    • You may choose to repeat the same affirmation again:

      • “I have different rhythms (Solar Plexus)…and different patterns.” (Sacral Chakra)

    • Again notice the rhythm and flow of each area

    • Notice the differences between Part 1 and Part 2

    • Feel free to perform the same breathing pattern between Placement One and Placement Two as well.

      Part 3

    • You can advance Stage 2 breathing by imagining sharing energy and information between the two hand placements. 

      • In other words let the two segments ‘talk’ to each other

      • Imagine that as you exhale from one segment that the breath/energy/information is being transferred through the body and over to the next segment and vice versa.

    • If the language, “I have different rhythms and different patterns”, did not seem enough, then try out the following:

      • “I have polarities, rhythms and differences within me.”

      • “I have parts of me that have not talked to each other for sometime.”

Special Note

If you have difficulty breathing over any area during Stage 2, then return back to Stage 1 and begin Stage 2 again when you are ready.

Remember: this is about acknowledging where your body-mind is at. It is not about trying to change it by mentally trying to bypass it or by forcing your breath into these areas.