remote sessions



  • $15 per month

    Perfect for establishing routine and consistent care

  • Membership perks includes:

    • Spinal Reiki: $55

    • Neuro-Rehab $10:

      • Head, neck, jaw and vestibular system rehabilitation

    • Nutri Dyn Supplements are available at 50% off.

  • Re-Exam $80



  • 6 Pack: $450

    • (75 per visit)

  • Neuro-Rehab for $15:

    • Head, neck, jaw and vestibular system rehabilitation

*A one-time payment that matches the frequency of your treatment plan prescription made by your provider.

*Package visits never expire

*Please speak with your practitioner about any financing options.


SINGLE spinal reiki

  • Single Visit: $90

  • Single Neuro-Rehab: $40

    *Perfect for paying one visit at a time



First time? Click here to schedule

Returning member? Click here

Initial visit includes a consultation and Spinal Reiki: 45 minutes to an hour.

Average visit: 15-30 minutes

What will I need for the online session?

Watch this video here to get prepared

1) quiet place to focus (Music can be used)

2) a place to either lay face down, face up, laying on your back and/or the ability to move around.

-No matter what, we will work with it. You can use a massage table if you have one available. we suggest not using a surface too soft like a mattress.

3) here are some items that can be useful:

-blankets [to keep warm and/or to make a surface more comfortable]


-a ROLLED-UP bath towel to support your neck

4) headphones or speaker [computer or bluetooth]

5) An open mind and zero expectations


Click here to view all options and deals for your first visit.

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Remote Sessions



(612) 751-2290